Objavljeno 28.11.2016.

Najljepši par u Britaniji? Tvrde kako ih zaustavljaju na ulici zbog ljepote!

Ovaj par našao se u središtu pozornosti na fitness natjecanju nakon svojih tvrdnji kako ih često zaustavljaju na ulici zbog njihovog nevjerojatnog izgleda i ljepote.

Mel Tansley (21) i James Ferguson (29) dolaze iz Colchestera i upoznali su se prije 18 mjesec na photoshootingu i od tada su nerazdvojni. Par se i zaručio, a zajedno vježbaju 7 dana u tjednu, održavaju ten, izbjeljuju zube i oblikuju obrve tako da su uvijek spremni za pistu.

19. studenog su po prvi put zajedno sudjelovali na natjecanju 'Mr and Mrs event' i to je bio njihov prvi zajednički fitness nastup te ne mogu dočekati nova sudjelovanja na natjecanjima u 2017. godini.

so last night I placed 2nd at the MWCLASSIC, Very very proud of myself! After all of the stress and worry but hard work, it's paid off and I have improved, bringing a better package to my second time ever competing! I also won my first ever modelling trophy ( I'm going to place it in front of James's 25263520000 at home haha) .... I absolutely love being on stage and there's so many things I want to improve and work harder for, training for this show has been an eye opener for me, I love the buzz and the feeling of achievement that I've even started thinking of entering some different competitions next year..... I also want to of course say a massive well done to my superstar, HE SMASHED his category AS ALWAYS and he WON OVERALL MR WORLD CLASSIC 2016, it's been an incredible competitive year for him and he's been so dedicated and so hard at work these last few months that he deserves IT ALL! I will always enjoy supporting him and being his number one fan although I must say I AM SO EXCITED FOR US TO EAT NAUGHTY FOOD TOGETHER! Last night was a great way to kick off the Christmas celebrations and We are looking forward to some much needed quality time celebrating December and Christmas , We have so many exciting plans and travels coming up we can not wait!!! ..... thank you to all of our amazing and wonderful friends & family that came to support us and a massive well done to all of the beautiful ladies & gents that we're on that stage!! ...... Next year I'm coming for that 1st place!

Foto: instagram

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