Objavljeno 09.04.2020.

Fitness influencerica objavljuje stvarne slike i šalje poruku 'celulit je normalan'!

Karina Irby je poznata fitness influencerica koja ženama pokazuje istinski izgled svog tijela, što je razlikuje od instagramuša koje redovito uređuju svoje fotografije.

Zbog svojih objava ima brojne pratitelje, a ženama podiže svijest da prihvate svoje tijelo i ne uspoređuju ga s onim što vide na Instagramu jer često nije realno.

'Celulit je ništa! Normalan je! Supermodeli ga imaju. Tvoje prijateljice ga imaju. Tvoji uzori ga imaju. Vjerojatno ga ima i tvoj partner.' - ističe Karina.

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NEGATIVES VS POSITIVES It seems whenever I come out of the shadows so can some negative Nellys. 90% of who are men. For every one trolling male negative comment I receive when I flaunt my lady lumps I get at least ten positive comments from the ladies! I normally tell these men that I’m not normalising my cellulite for you, I do this for all the women out there. However after seeing these comments so consistently I think you need a wake up call more than us ladies! Women are not barbie dolls, we come in all different shapes, sizing and textures. It’s people like this that try and convince us that we are all those nasty things. And it’s simply NOT TRUE. Ladies, never let these kind of comments online get you down on yourself. I think the only women these men have seen naked are on Porn Hub. PS - All the positive vibes on these posts I do are so special! Thank you so much for helping my normalise the female body! Together we are making more and more women accept their curves are we are also giving a few men I wake up call

'Voljela bi da ovaj video vidi što više očiju kako bi žene diljem svijeta shvatile kako nisu same. Upravo suprotno.'

Foto: instagram

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