Objavljeno 17.03.2020.

Heidi Klum i suprug u samoizolaciji, ali su pronašli način da budu romantični

Manekenka Heidi Klum i suprug Tom Kaulitz, oboje su bolesni i čekaju rezultate testiranja na koronavirus, a u međuvremeno vrijeme provode u samoizolaciji.

Heidi je bolesna već tjedan dana, a Tome se vratio s turneje prije nekoliko dana isto bolestan. I dok ne budu sigurni u rezultate testova na koronavirus, ne žele širiti klice i riskirati da se drugi zaraze pa čak i njih dvoje međusobno. 

Izolirali su se jedno od drugoga, ali svejedno su pronašli način da budu romantični.

'Socijalna distancija je ono što svi sada moramo učiniti kako bismo bili odgovorni građani svijeta. Svi smo zajedno u ovome, a na nama je da štitimo naše najmilije, naše susjede i našu zajednicu. Slušajte službenike i ostanite kod kuće ... posebno ako se ne osjećate dobro.' - poručila je Heidi.

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Like many of you, I also have been sick all week and, unfortunately, my husband who returned from his tour a couple of days ago is also feeling ill. To be safe, we are staying apart until we get the results of our Coronavirus tests (that we were finally able to get today) back. We don’t want to spread germs and risk others getting sicker... even each other! As much as I want to embrace him and kiss him, it is more important to do the right thing and not spread further. ❤️ These are strange times... but in these moments, you remember what’s really important- the people you love and keeping them safe. Social distancing is what we all need to do right now to be responsible citizens of the world. We are all in this together and it is up to us to protect our loved ones, and our neighbors and our communities. Please listen to the officials and stay at home if you can and physically distance yourself from other people… especially if you are not feeling well. I see all the beautiful things people are doing for each other all over the globe and that gives me hope! Sending all of you love and positivity and healing vibes… together we can get through this but we need to be proactive so that we can all have a bright and healthy future.

Foto: instagram

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