Objavljeno 28.04.2017.

Mama blizanaca ima poruku za one koji misle kako je njezin život jednostavan!

Anna Strode je majka blizanaca - dvojice dječaka, koja ne radi nego provodi vrijeme s njima kod kuće. I ima važnu poruku za sve koji misle kako se briga o 22-mjesečnim dječacima ne smatra radom.

Ovo je dio njezina statusa:

'Prošlog je tjedna netko komentirao moju stranicu i znate što, to me je uznemirilo. I dok se trudim ostati pozitivna - boli.

U osnovi je rekao: 'Želim da cijeli dan ostanem kod kuće i vježbam sa svojim djetetom, umjesto toga moram ići na posao i RADITI ...' 

Raditi!? Misliš da ja ne radim? Misliš kako cijeli dan sjedim kod kuće prekriženih ruku? Misliš kako mi dvoje djece od 22 mjeseca starosti dopušta da sjedim prekriženih nogu po cijele dane nakon što obavim jutarnji trening?

Vježbam 20 - 30 minuta dnevno. Ponekad se zaustavim 20 puta da dohvatim igračke, donosem hranu, zaustavim čupanje kose, prekinem borbe nad igračkama i u nekim danima prestanem vježbati nakon 2 minute jer je taj dan to jednostavno nemoguće! 

Ostalih dana sam toliko zauzeta jer su dječaci mrzovoljni (kao na ovoj fotografiji) pa je najbolji trening kojeg mogu dobiti nekoliko čučnjeva i sklekova dok oni jedu ili vježbaju nove riječi.'

Last week someone made a comment on my page and you know what, it upset me. It cut me pretty deep and while I do my best to remain positive - this hurt. It basically said 'I wish I got to stay at home all day and exercise with my child, instead I have to go to work and do WORK...' Work?! You think I don't WORK?! You think I sit at home all day and twiddle my thumbs? You think 2 x 22 month old toddlers just let me kick my feet up all day after I've done my morning workout? You think I'm beaming with energy as I grow a new baby and frantically do my best to keep up with twin boys that run rings around me?! Just to break it down... I exercise for 20-30 minutes a day. Sometimes stopping 20 times throughout to fetch toys, bring food, stop hair pulling, break up fights over toys and some days, stopping 2 minutes in because it just ain't happening that day! Other days we're so busy or the boys are so CLINGY / CRANKY (eg: this photo sums it up) the best workout I can get in is some squats, push ups and tricep dips while they eat or while we practice new words, counting to 10 or all the body parts we've learnt. I certainly DON'T spend all day exercising. My days are spent changing shitty nappies, dealing with tantrums, playing cars and trucks, making food that gets thrown on the floor before it's even tasted, walking the streets trying to get tired, grumpy children to nap, attempting to teach two little humans to SHARE instead of bite, pull hair, scratch or push each other, pushing swings, climbing up and down bloody forts that shouldn't even be in kids playgrounds because they are so damn unsafe, singing the alphabet, going for adventures to keep the bubs happy, vacuuming 3 times a day because of all that food that I worked so hard to cook wasn't even considered eating, oh and did I mention the constant battle of playing referee ALL day between two little cheeky monkeys that guess what DON'T 'just play happily and entertain each other all day!' For the record, TWINS don't do that!!! Maybe when they're older, yes! I hope so anyway ~ but for now, no - I literally for most of the part can't take my eyes off them! Cont. in comments

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