Objavljeno 23.11.2016.

Majka svojim postupcima podijelila javnost: Sinovi imaju 2 i 6 godina, a ih dalje i doji

Majka dvojice sinova, dvije i šest godina, Tasha Maile, ne prestaje dojiti svoju djecu. Navodi kako će to činiti sve dok djeca sama ne prestanu pokazivati interes za dojenje.

Tasha je trudna s trećim djetetom, a na svom YouTube kanalu i Instagram profilu redovno objavljuje video isječke i fotografije na kojima se jasno vidi kako mališani doje.

http://www.ivetteivens.com/breastfeedinggoddesses Happy New Years you beautiful people! May the breastfeeding mothers of this world unite and become as one <3 strong women all around the world <3 open arms , and open hearts <3 may we all stand in our truth as a human being this year and come together to the things that really matter <3 May we be in a state of being of love, as we are all love and light beings having a human experience. We are here only for a moment of time! May we shine as high and as bright as we can! To 2016! Everything is shifting! Everything is changing! Let go of what no longer serves you, the hate the fear to shame the guilt, let it go! And be who you really are! Let the child in you shine as you dance your heart into the light that you are <3 I love you ^_^ and may it be a merry 2016! And all your dreams come true! Follow your highest excitement from moment to moment. That is it, that is all #namaste #2016 #happyyear #veganisthefuture #thefutureispeace picture by : Ivette Ivens

A photo posted by tashamaile (@tashamaile) on

Mnoge majke osudile su je zbog toga, a neke čak navode kako sve to graniči sa incestom.

#tandemnursing got two boobies on purpose! Lol check out my YouTube channel "Spiritual Tasha Mama"

A photo posted by tashamaile (@tashamaile) on

Foto: instagram

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