Objavljeno 26.02.2018.

Majka podijelila fotografiju koja otkriva istinu o postporođajnoj depresiji

Tori Block, iz Kalifornije je podijelila snažnu fotografiju koja govori o postporođajnoj depresiji, problemu koji utječe na jednu od 10 žena. Postporođajna depresija je česta unutar prve godine od rođenja.

'Ovo sam ja, na vrhuncu postporođajne depresije. Gledajući ovu fotografiju, točno se sjećam boli koju sam osjećala, straha od svakodnevnog buđenja, fizičke boli koja me zarazila da ne mogu razmišljati. 

Nikada nisam znala da je konzumiram, um je izmjenjivao emocije koje su preplavile svaki dio mog bića, probijajući se kroz vene kao kuga. 

Tako izgleda postporođajna depresija ili barem ono što je učinila od mene. Nisam to tražila, nije bilo dobrodošlo. Ali bila je tu i ja sam joj isprašila dupe i dotukla je prije nego što sam dopustila da me pojede ili puno gore, da uzme moj život.'

This is a picture I most likely will not keep up for very long. This is me, at the peak of my postpartum depression. I asked Shiloh to take a picture of me, so I could remember how far I’d come, if I ever came out of it. I was lower than low, I wasn’t even myself. Looking back at this photo I remember perfectly the pain I felt, the dread in waking up everyday, the physical pain that engulfed me from thoughts in my brain. I had never known consuming, mind altering emotion such as this that flooded every fiber of my being, making its way through my veins like a plague. This is what postpartum depression looks like, or at least what it did for me. I didn’t want to leave this life, but it seemed like the only way that would rid me of the pain I was in. I didn’t ask for it, it wasn’t welcome. But there it was, and I kicked its fucking ass and beat it to the ground before I let it consume me, or much worse, take my life. #thisisppd . . . . #ppd #postpartumdepression #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #overcomingppd #mentalhealthsupport #communityovercompetition #stopcensoringmotherhood #motherhoodunited #motherhoodrising #motherhood #takebackpostpartum #momblogger #empoweredbirthproject #mindfulparenting #mindfulmama #consciousmotherhood #motherhood #tribedemama #birthofamama

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Foto: instagram

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