Objavljeno 16.08.2017.

Liječnici nisu mogli otkriti zašto se njezina beba ne razvija dok nisu inducirali porod

Kada je u pitanju trudnoća mnoge stvari se mogu zakomplicirati. Pupčana vrpca pomaže fetusu kako bi rastao, razvijao se i hranio. Dok se u 1 do 2,000 trudnoća pupčana vrpca može vezati u čvor i ometati razvoj djeteta.

Majka Rebecca Meldrum je iskusila ovu rijetku pojavu u svojoj trudnoći. U 36. tjednu trudnoće su liječnici inducirali porod jer se njezina curica nije razvijala dovoljno dobro. Djevojčica je rođena na carski rez, a težila je 2,2 kilograma. 

Nakon što je djevojčica došla kući iz bolnice, majka je na Instagramu podijelil fotografiju pupčane vrpce vezane u čvor koja je ograničila protok hranjivih tvari njezinoj djevojčici.

If you're squeamish or eating your breakfast then look away now! This knot was in Poppy's cord, a True Knot which apparently is pretty uncommon 1 in 2,000 babies I think the midwife said. Just another thing to add to her story, it's going to be one heck of a pregnancy, labour & birth book! So so many of you have been through the neonatal thing & I am blown away by just how many people have poorly/early babies. Before I had Poppy I'd known friends who had babies go into NICU & always thought it sounded hard but you know, they're in the best place so it's fine... I can honestly say I have never ever been through emotions like I have been through these last few days & I'm sure will continue to go through until we are all home together. I've cried in a way I've never heard myself cry before, loud, ugly & almost primal need for my baby to be with me, I've stared into space for hours upon end wishing I was pregnant still, I've gone through every hospital appointment, scan & meeting from the last 6 months trying to work out how this could have ended up differently & I have sobbed to countless midwives about not knowing how I'm feeling, the guilt, the fear, the unexplainable emotions. I don't think anything could ever prepare you for not being with your baby after labour & delivery, but today I feel like I've turned a corner. I'm sure it's the tonic of skin to skin with Poppy but I'm feeling more confident, more ready to face NICU & want to get involved in anyway I can with caring for my baby. Thank you again to all of you that have messaged me. There are so so many stories to go through but the things that really help the most are those tips on what to do when I can't be holding her, different ways to interact and have contact with her, the types of touch Preemies like & the types of questions to ask in neonatal. Thank you all so so much!

A post shared by Mrs Meldrum (@mrsrmeldrum) on

Foto: instagram

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