Objavljeno 22.02.2018.

Fotografijom postporođajnog tijela šalje poruku: 'Ovo je stvarno, ovo je porod!'

Nakon što je majka Nate rodila djevojčicu Delilah zamolila je supruga da fotografira njih dvije dok je još bila u bolnici. Na fotografiji se vidi njezino postporođajno tijelo i evo što ona misli o njemu.

'Zašto bi objavila ovu fotografiju?
Možeš vidjeti moj celulit i debele noge.
Moj je trbuh ogroman, kao da sam još trudna.
Moji su gležnjevi toliko otekli da izgledaju poput trupaca.
Vidite i jastučić u mojim bolničkim gaćicama.
Nisam našminkana, a moja kosa nije oprana danima.
Zašto bi objavila ovu fotografiju?
Zato što je ovo slika nakon poroda.
Nećete se vratiti nazad kad rodite dijete. Nećete izgubiti na težini brzo. Gležnjevi će i dalje biti oteknuti, a trbuh će i dalje biti okrugao.
I ništa nije POGREŠNO u tome. Upravo ste donijele dijete na svijet. Bilo da ste imale vaginalni porod ili carski rez, dijete je rođeno i to je VELIKI posao.
Pitala sam supruga da me fotografira jer je to bio prvi put da sam ustala nakon nekoliko dana i prvi put da sam držala dijete uz sebe, bez žica koje me povezuju uz krevet. Trenutak je bio lijep, držala sam život koji sam podizala u sebi 9 mjeseci.
Nije me smetalo što je moja haljina otvorena i što možete vidjeti moje jake noge i ružne bolničke gaćice. Ono važno mi je bilo što sam sad majka i što sam preko ušiju zaljubljena u ovu malu osobu.
Nisam sretna zbog svog tijela i još uvijek ima dana kada se pogledam u ogledalo i šapnem 'ugh', ali ovako sad izgledam. Nisam zadovoljna kako moje tijelo izgleda, ali sam mu neizmjerno zahvalna na onome što je učinilo. Podiglo je život iz nekoliko stanica. Prošlo je porod od 26 sati i bilo otvoreno na stolu kako bi donijelo taj život na svijet.
Podijelite ovu fotografiju jer je STVARNA, lijepa i predstavlja trenutak u kojem sam osjetila LJUBAV i sreću.'

Why would I post this picture? You can see all the cellulite on my fat legs. My stomach looks huge, like I am still pregnant. My ankles are so swollen they look like logs. You can see the pad in my unflattering hospital panties. I have no makeup on and my hair hasn’t been brushed in days. Why would I post this picture? Because this is postpartum. This is REAL. THIS IS CHILDBIRTH. You will not bounce back once that baby comes out of you.  You will not “lose the baby weight” super quickly.  Your ankles will still be swollen and your belly will still be round. And there’s NOTHING wrong with that.  You just brought a baby into the world.  Whether you had a vaginal birth or a c-section, a child emerged from your body and that’s a HUGE deal! I asked my husband to take this photo because it was the first time I stood up in days and the first time I held my baby all by myself, without wires connecting me to a bed. This moment was so beautiful, I got to sway side to side while holding the life I sustained for 9 months. I didn’t care that my robe was open and you could see my chunky legs or the ugly hospital panties.  All I cared about was that I was a mother now; and that I was head over heels in love with this little human. I’m still not happy with my body and I still have days where I look in the mirror and whisper “ugh, this is what I look like now” under my breath.  I am not happy with how my body looks but I am immensely grateful for what it has done.  It grew a life out of a few cells. It labored for 26 hours and it was opened on a table to bring that life into this world. I share this photo because it’s REAL, beautiful, and in this moment I felt LOVE and happiness. . . . #ig_motherhood #momcommunity #motherhoodunplugged #momhub #motherhoodthroughinstagram #featuremama #unitedinmotherhood #uniteinmotherhood #honestlymothering #dailyparenting #oureverydaymoments #joyfulmama #honestmotherhood #featuremama #memoirsofmotherhood #selflove #postpartumbody #takebackpostpartum #csectionrecovery #effyourbeautystandards #postpartumjourney #csection #youareenough #fourthtrimester #fourthtrimesterbodiesproject

A post shared by Disney, Breastfeed, Repeat ✨ (@natthenaturalmom) on

Foto: instagram

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