Objavljeno 21.04.2017.

Fotografijom menstrualne krvi uputila važnu poruku muškarcima!

Djevojka Saloni Chopra je odlučila na Instagramu objaviti fotografiju svoje menstrualne krvi kako bi onima koji menstrualni ciklus smatraju sramotnim, poručila da je to potpuno prirodno i svakodnevno.

Njezina poruka glasi:

'Da, tako je, ovo je samo krv. A znaš li tko joj pridaje veću važnost nego što bi trebalo? Ti. Ti koji slaviš moju prvu menstruaciju i govoriš mi da me učinila ženom. A zatim mi govoriš da o tome nikad ne smijem javno govoriti. Prvo me tjeraš da budem ponosna, a zatim me tjeraš da osjećam kako sa mnom nešto nije u redu. Govoriš mi da ne smijem posjetiti sveta mjesta. Govoriš mi da moram voljeti kuhanje, ali ne daš mi da kuham, na te dane...

Moje prijateljice uvijek šapću o tome…srame li se? Moji kolege misle da sam kuja zato što sam u PMS-u, a moj šef misli da je to samo jadna izlika da se izvučem s posla. Čini mi se da njegov penis nikad nije krvario, i očito ne zna kako je to kad ti hormoni divljaju svaki mjesec, a sve što dečki iz toga mogu izvući je da je menstruacija ‘odvratna’ i da djevojke ‘polude’ kad je imaju. I ne, ja nisam ljuta na tebe zato što imam menstruaciju, nego sam ljuta zato što si neuki moron. Misliš da pretjerujem kad pričam o neravnopravnosti među spolovima, a onda se zgroziš pri pomisli na vaginalnu krv.

Misliš da je nečista… Ali nema ništa nečisto u meni svakog mjeseca. Nisam kreacija đavla. I govorit ću o svojoj menstruaciji koliko god ja želim… I nikad više neću prihvatiti da svoje tampone moram motati u novinski papir - jer na njima je više smeća kojeg muškarci pišu o ženama nego što će ga moje tijelo ikada proizvesti. A ako me pokušaš ušutkati - samo ću glasnije vikati.'

That's right, it's just blood.. Y'know who gave it more importance than it needs? You. You who celebrated my very 1st menstrual cycle.. said it made me a woman. Then you told me to never discuss it publicly. First you made me feel proud of becoming, then you made me feel there was something wrong with me. You told me I couldn't visit holy places. You conditioned me to love cooking, but you wouldn't let me, that day. You yelled when I lit the diya in the mandir that morning. The kids at school laughed at me & my friends didn't sit next to me, bcos my blue skirt was red. I ate my lunch alone, crying in the washroom. I wasn't very proud of being a girl that day. Then I grew older & I met boys.. boys that liked me.. boys that knew nothing about periods, but got disgusted every time a pad fell out of my bag. I couldn't fathom that women raised such men. My girlfriends always whispered about it.. were they ashamed? My colleagues thought I was being a bitch bcos I was "PMSing" - my boss thought that was just my lame excuse to take a day off. I guess his penis never bled, he didn't know what it felt like to have his hormones go on a rollercoaster ride every month, yet all they could grasp from it was that periods were "yuck" & girls act "crazy" on them. I'm not mad at you cos I'm on my period, I'm mad at you for the ignorant moron you are. You think I'm overreacting when I speak about inequality, then you cringe at the idea of vaginal blood. You think it's impure. From you who gave birth to me, to you that wants to marry me, listen carefully - there is nothing about me that is "impure" every month. I'm not the creation of the devil. I'll have as many conversations about my menstrual cycle as I please, I will cook as many meals as I like & enter as many places of worship as I want to. For those 5 days, maybe you should keep your impure selves out of my kitchen, my temple, my work place & come back when you're ready to accept my body. I will never, ever accept my tampons wrapped in a newspaper again - there's a lot more dirt printed in that than a woman's body could ever produce. And if you try to hush-hush me, I'll only scream louder. Sincerely, Every. Damn. Girl.

A post shared by Saloni Chopra

Foto: instagram

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