Objavljeno 17.01.2018.

Blogerica se odvažila i pokazala što PMS učini njezinom tijelu

PMS ili predmenstrualni sindrom nešto je što se svakoj ženi događa svaki mjesec iznova, doduše ne svakoj ženi, poneka je pošteđena te pojave.

Kako bi sve žene koje ga nemaju, ali i baš svi muškarci koji ne znaju uvidjeli što je to zapravo PMS blogerica Malin Oloffson odlučila ga je pokazati, pošto je kod nje čak i vidljiv.

Neke žene boli glava, neke leđa, neke imaju mučnine i povraćaju, neke od bolova ne mogu ustati iz kreveta, neke se nadimaju, dok neke imaju sve navedene simptome.

Mailn je žena koja ima sve simptome PMS-a, a vidjet ćete kako izgleda kao da je trudna, ali to je samo nadutost.

APRIL 5 I am feeling good about life. I find meaning within my life, within most things that I do. I love being social and to be in places where there's a lot of people. I do see that other people appreciate my company. I feel strong, independent and confident within myself. Whatever obstacle I might come across I'm confident that I can handle it. I feel good about my future and I'm looking forward to continue living my life. I laugh a lot. I like my job. I love people. I love myself. I love my body. I feel worthy. I have a lot of energy. I don't take things too serious. I rarely critizise myself. When I make a mistake I let it go quickly. I know that my mistakes do not define me or my worth. I love life. -------------------------------------------- APRIL 8 I don't feel like I'm really 'here'. My mind is clouded. It feels like I'm just in between sleeping and being awake. I am tired all the time, everything is exhausting. Everything feels meaningless. I feel worthless, useless. I want to be alone, away from people. I feel like everyone is watching me, judging me. I feel awkward whenever I encounter another person. I don't know how to socialize and interact with people. I feel depressed. I cry all the time, the darkness within me is just too much. The anxiety is constantly present and it tears me apart from within. I can't stand myself. I hate everything. I hate my job. I hate myself. I hate who I am around other people. My body is heavy, swollen, ugly, wrong. I take everything personal. I critizise and blame myself for everything that's wrong in this world. I can't remember anything that's good with my life. I replay every situation that has ever felt wrong. I can't stand living. --------------------------------------------- Ok, so this is my reality. This is how much PMS influences my body and state of mind. I know that many people with ovaries can relate to this. It might be milder and it might be worse. I just want to remind you that it will pass. I know it's really hard to remember when you have 'Pass me the shot-gun type of PMS' but you are strong, you have powered through it before. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ❤

Objavu dijeli MALIN

Foto: instagram

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